Good Medicine

Scripture Reading - Isaiah 38:21 KJV

For Isaiah had said, Let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaister upon the boil, and he shall recover.

Today’s lesson will touch on the subject of “Medicine”. We will start with discussing what “medicine” is. A simple definition of the word “medicine” is the science of prescribed treatment to cure a diagnosis of sickness or disease. Although “medicine” comes in many shapes and sizes it is impossible to describe exactly what “medicine” looks like or taste like because “medicine” could be as simple as drinking natural water or “medicine” could be a man-made product consisting of various chemicals. With that being said we (ihlcc) do find it interesting that some “medicines” are harmless while other “medicines” are harmful. This is part of the reason we wrote this article. As Christians we are taught to love God and love people. We are taught that God loves us and He is all powerful. The Holy Bible proclaims in Acts 10:38 that Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil because God was with Him. These truths of God are immortal and immutable therefore we have concluded that when it comes to healing it is never an issue of if God wants you to be whole (healed) because He passionately does. As a matter of fact Jesus suffered great pain and anguish just so you wouldn’t have to. The question that many believers are tempted with is why more of God’s children aren’t healed more frequently. To answer those questions about why everyone doesn’t always receive their healing from God it would require a case by case in depth look to figure out exactly what stopped the healing power of God’s Word from working in their specific situation. What many Christians don’t realize is that God’s healing power is always available and ready to be received but the components of faith, love, patience with accurate knowledge can transfer it into your body where it is needed. Thus, in what form will healing come? Some have learned how to receive their healing by faith in God’s Word, others have received a touch from God where they receive the power of God into their body to work a healing and a cure while yet many receive their healing with “medicine”. We purposely said with “medicine” because often Christian (and some others) still have God working on their behalf for healing while they are taking certain “medicines”. We also believe that many people are getting healed by God’s grace even though they are not looking for God to heal them. We (ihlcc) wish to dispel the notion that all prescribed “medicine” is bad because that is not true. We see in the reference scripture above that the “medicine” of a lump of figs was laid upon the boil on (or in) Hezekiah’s body and Hezekiah recovered. The word recovered was used because this healing was not instantaneous but rather a process over time. Please notice that the lump of figs was pretty easy to do, so we can conclude that “Good Medicine” is readily available. We also know that figs were not too expensive such that only the elite could afford it. No we know in the days of Jesus that certain fig trees were assessable by people out in public. Thus, “good medicine” is affordable by the common person. We must mention that “Good Medicine” is ordained by God because it accomplishes exactly what it was intended to do. In Hezekiah’s situation he was dealing with a life threatening illness but through the avenue of prayer in sincere honesty and humility the Lord was able to cure him. Remember earlier we discussed why some get their healing while others do not looking at this case if Hezekiah never humbled himself and went back to God for help (specifically seeking healing) then for sure he would have died according to Isaiah 38:1 KJV which states, “In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live.” However notice exactly what Hezekiah did in the following verse of Isaiah 38:2 KJV which states; “Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the LORD.” This humbleness to seek God’s help and intervention cannot be over looked or neglected because we have found when it comes to seeking healing that “medicine” is not the key, nor is trusting in men for healing answers is not a foundation to live upon but rather hearing from God, specifically the Word of God, and doing whatever He puts in your heart can get you healed every time. It must also be noted that the “Good Medicine” that is ordained of God comes from God given materials because the Lord God Almighty does not endorse the works of man’s hands and plus if God used His Own materials to create and make the body what it is why would He use some other materials from man to heal the body? God is very capable to prescribe exactly what your body needs to be healed so we must do our part to ask Him in all sincerity and honesty, “Lord Jesus and Heavenly Father what is wrong with my body?” if something abnormal is causing your body to malfunction it is good for you to know exactly what it is. Plus, we have the “pure medicine” of God’s Word to start taking immediately to start working good in the human body. We (ihlcc) start quoting and studying and meditating upon God’s scriptures of healing whenever we feel some type of sickness and/or disease trying to invade our natural body. Yes, we choose to be totally honest with our readers to let them know that we do use certain natural “medicines” too when necessary that are not harmful to our body and we do listen to counsel from doctor’s and pray (ponder) about any “medicine” that is prescribed to us via doctors or dentists or any medical professional. There are “good medicines” in the earth some in the form of vitamins and minerals to provide nutrients to the body that aid in the healing of the body when the lack of certain nutrients is fulfilled. Yes, your body is fearfully and wonderfully made so don’t think for one moment that you can put anything into your body and it has no impact on your physical body because that would be wrong. Your body is made to work a certain way and scientist have found if you keep the body balanced with healthy foods that body has a tendency to stay more healthy. Now what we teach is to strive for good health in your spirit, in your soul and in your body which means we thank God for a healthy spirit that yields to love, joy, goodness, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, mercy, righteousness, temperance, meekness, faith and humbleness continuously. We seek good health mentally (soulishly) which thinks of things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of a good report, virtuous and praise worthy. We don’t allow a negative mindset that is offended by people to manifest into our thought life but rather we cast down those temptations immediately. We also encourage good health physically by eating good healthy foods that are ordained of God (God made, natural, organic) over those foods made by men (processed foods, or food that is made from genetically modified organisms). The reason we do this is because the natural body was created to eat God’s natural foods created for mankind. If we give the body something it doesn’t know what to do with the body can’t properly digest it and then problems will arise in your body. That is no different than the problem we would have if we tried to eat a rock, all those who do such things are causing undo problems with their health because we must keep God’s Divine Order in mind when we are using His wonderful Creation. So we hope you realize that “good medicine” that is ordained by God does exist but there are also existing in the world today bad medicines that should not be consumed by any person on the face of this earth. One rule of thumb we (ihlcc) use is if the side effects of the “medicine” we are considering is worse than the current symptoms we are encountering we very quickly avoid that “medicine”. Please remember dear child of God we are not experts on “medicine”, nor do we claim to tell you what you should eat or not eat we simply encourage all men upon the face of this earth to include God in all that they do because your body is the temple of God according to 1 Corinthians 6:19 so glorify God in your body and your spirit which are God’s. Amen!